
Im not perfect, not even close. Ive made more mistakes then i can count. I"ll most likely annoy you, piss you off, and say something incredibly stupid; but there are those moments where something i say actually makes sense. You'll not always agree with what I say and feel free to disagree because i love a good debate. Maybe by reading my blog you'll find something new about yourself or maybe it will just help you blow some time; but either way I hope you stick with it, stay awhile, and maybe even leave a comment or two. Everyone has their flaws and ive come to realize that maybe, just maybe, i like being imperfect...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School time ...again

Well, it's that's time of the year again; almost everybody's back at school and getting their annoyingly large serving of homework every night. Where did Summer go? Can someone tell me? Because wherever it went I would like to be there right now. So after a wonderful four day weekend of sleeping and being lazy, I get the joy of waking up at 5:45 this morning ( do u see the sarcasm there? If not, look again, cause its there). So I walk into my first class, dunkies iced coffee in hand ready (well almost ready) to start the day. So after 6 hours of sitting on extremely hard desk seats and numerous writing pages of notes and class work, I am so ready to go home, relax, and chill. Oh wait...I mean go home, relax for a couple minutes, do 5 pages of home work, research some dead guy, write a paragraph, start an essay, and chores.. I really hope it isn't like this every night. So that was my boring day, hope you guys had a lot more exciting experiences. :) 

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